Welcome to the Crazy Sycos Guild!
Player's Choice Survey
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We want to know what YOU want! It's easy - just e-mail the answers to this survey to bradburn@slu.edu or copy/paste them into the guestbook. You can answer as many as you want - what's important is what's important. I'd love comments, by the way!

Filling out the survey is pretty easy. You can number the questions, and provide your answer (that stuff in the ""), or , you can copy and paste the table and italicize/bold/underline/whatever the answer that you choose. You don't have to answer them all, of course, but try to use the answers that are given, so that we can tally up and come to a consensus on what's needed! Also comments are VERY helpful.

PvP & GvG

How often do we have GvG and PvP events?
"Too often!"
"Just often enough."
"I want more!"

"I've never participated."
"I didn't know we had events."

Do you like the two-teams-of-four approach to our Guild Battles?
"It's awesome."
"Meh. It's cool."
"It's bogus, man."

"Eh? Whuzzat?"

Do you like the guild hall layout?
"Great defensive layout."
"Great offensive layout."
"Terrible offensive layout."

"Terrible defensive layout."

For PvP & GvG, what would you like to see more of, or done better?
"More events."
"More interest."
"Better planning."

"Better leadership."


The Leader is...
"Too demanding."
"Too unavailable/ unreachable."
"Not helpful enough."

"She's just fine."

The Officers are...
"Too unruly."
"Unhelpful or unavailable."


Your fellow guildmates are...
"Stupid or immature."

"My best friends! (On the game)"

What would you like to see more of?
"More officers."
"More guildmates."
"Friendlier or More Knowledgeable guildmates."

"We're perfect just the way we are."

PvE Shtuffs

Have you received in-mission or PvE gameplay help from your guildmates, officers, or leader?
"All the time!"
"I have before."
"Never asked, but I suppose it would be given."

"I've never gotten any help, even though I have asked."

What would you like more of?
"PvP Training."
"In-Guild Trading of Items."
"Guild Meetings."

"Nothing. It's cool as it is."

Copyright 2006 Sarah Bradburn and the Crazy Sycos.