Welcome to the Crazy Sycos Guild!

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Updates (As They Happen)

Updates on the Guild's Status as they happen. Please use this page as your bookmark site for the Crazy Sycos.

The drop in leadership in the Crazy Sycos was due to poor management on the part of our old leader, Unnamed Archer. Upon forcing his officers out of the ranks, he realized his fault, and himself left. Currently the leadership within the guild is Sarah and Jen, but more officers (for a total of four) will be promoted within the next few weeks.

We are scheduling a GVG with another unranked guild as soon as possible. Please get back to me with dates/times that you are all available so that I can set up a time that is convenient for as many of us as possible.

We are accepting nominations for officers! Please tell me who you would like to nominate - yes, it can be yourself - and why you feel that they deserve to be an officer within the guild. These nominations will be my only source for promotion within the guild, so get the word out about them, so that everyone can get their vote in!

These updates are current as of 26 March 2006.

Copyright 2006 Sarah Bradburn and the Crazy Sycos.